Preserving Our Past. Creating Our Community.
Preservation Projects
Preservation Terminology
Preservation: The act or process of applying measures necessary to sustain the existing form, integrity, and materials of an historic property.
Renovation: The process of improving a structure or its elements to a usable condition through the acts or processes of refurbishing, remodeling, retaining, or reconstructing.
Refurbish: To renovate, or make clean, fresh, or functional again through a process of major maintenance or repair.
Remodel: To change the appearance of a structure by removing or covering original details and substituting new materials and forms.
Retain: The act of repairing an element, detail, or structure and continuing the same level of maintenance to aid in the preservation of elements and structures.
Reconstruction: The process of depicting, by means of new construction, the form, features, and detailing of a non-surviving building or element for the purpose of replicating its original appearance.

Amount Raised - $23,514
Renovations Funded - $11,870
Click on photo to enlarge.
Refurbish Tower Exterior
Refurbish Chimney
Refurbish Balcony Stairs

Amount Raised - $42,379
Renovations Funded - $31,206
Click on photo to enlarge.
Refurbish E. Elevation Exterior
Refurbish Flat Roofs
Retain Interior Plaster
Remodel Tower Turret

Amount Raised - $36,264
Renovations Funded - $47,544
Click on photo to enlarge.
Refurbish N. Elevation Exterior
Refurbish Primary Entrance Exterior

Amount Raised - $45,836
Renovations Funded - $42,437
Click on photo to enlarge.
Refurbish S. Elevation Exterior
Refurbish W. Elevation Exterior
Retain Interior Plaster

Amount Raised - $41,018
Renovations Funded - $45,212
Click on photo to enlarge.
Remodel Original Kitchen
Remodel Back Rooms Floor
Retain Interior Walls
Refurbish Inside Brick
Replace Back Door
Reconstruct Primary Front Doors

Amount Raised - $43,630
Renovations Funded - $20,616
Click on photo to enlarge.
Remodel Front Rooms Floor
Retain Classroom Wall
Retain Large Balcony Wall
Remodel Small Balcony
Install Exterior Lighting

Amount Raised - $36,070
Renovations Funded - $30,520
Click on photo to enlarge.
Reconstruct Secondary Front Doors

Amount Raised - $29,822
Renovations Funded - $29,196
Click on photo to enlarge.
Phase I - Stained glass window restoration.