Preserving Our Past. Creating Our Community.
About P.L.A.N.

Preserving Our Past.
Creating Our Community.

To preserve the historic Lindsley Avenue Church and enhance it's connection to the community.
A Message From Our Board
Built when electric trolleys served the citizens of Nashville, the beautiful Lindsley Avenue Church has witnessed many changes to its neighborhood in the past 135 years. Many of Nashville's historic buildings were demolished in the name of "progress" before historic preservation efforts began to grow in Nashville. The Lindsley Avenue Church itself narrowly survived the construction of Interstate 40 in the 1960s which now runs through the church's back yard.
In addition to changes in city infrastructure, the Lindsley Avenue Church has also weathered the storms of social and economic upheavals in Nashville. Over the decades, a remnant of faithful members managed to maintain the church through World War I, the Great Depression, World War II, the Civil Rights movement, integration, and urban decay.
For over 100 years the church has been home to the Lindsley Avenue Church of Christ. With its prominent, central location, the Lindsley Avenue Church has remained a beacon of hope to the inner-city community.
With the construction of the Tennessee Titan's stadium in 1998, and more recently the Music City Center in 2013, the Lindsley Avenue Church is again witness to dramatic change in downtown Nashville. Residential development in nearby neighborhoods is happening at an incredible rate.
The historic Lindsley Avenue Church continues to serve as a conspicuous landmark connecting the glory of the past to the exciting future of Nashville, and P.L.A.N. exists to ensure that this special building will be here for future generations.
The trustees of P.L.A.N. are a 'working' board who serve voluntarily in performing executive, administrative, and fund-raising functions. Our sole purpose is the preservation of the historic Lindsley Avenue Church building. All donations go directly towards renovation projects, many of which are described on this website.
Board Trustees
Gina Tek - Chair
Robbie Newlin - Vice Chair/Secretary
Howell Townes - Treasurer
Thurl Nooncaster - Facility Director
Greta Hopper - Historical Research
Steve Garrett - At Large
Debbie Tumblin - At Large
Preserve Lindsley Avenue Now complies with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000d et seq.), which states that “no person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.” Any person who believes that discrimination has occurred by a state agency on the basis of race, color, or national origin, including limited English proficiency (LEP), in violation of Title VI may file a written complaint to Complaints must be filed within 180 days of the alleged discriminatory act. Complaints may also be filed with the state or federal agency involved, or the United States Department of Justice. For more information, please contact Preserve Lindsley Avenue Now.